Case study

Mill architects

Average Monthly Marketing Spend
Average Revenue per month
Average Monthly ROI

Mill Architects Architects are a design led architectural practice located in Dalmeny, South Queensferry.

With a team of 7 they specialise in domestic, commercial, rural and conservation architecture. An established, growing practise with great ambitions and plans to grow as a business, our job was to help them achieve that.

Key Challenges

When we started working with Mill Architects Architects there were a number of challenges we worked together to overcome:

  • Increase their enquiries, fill their sales pipeline and increase their sales.

  • Establish new marketing channels.

  • Develop their sales process so that enquiries could be managed and shared between the team in order for them to scale up their digital marketing campaign.

  • A refreshed their brand and website so that it better reflected their customers, their work and business.

  • Increasing their brand awareness and online presence.

  • Establishing a formal database.

  • Setting up and delivering email marketing and social media.

What we delivered

Branding and Website

One of the first pieces of work we did with Mill Architects was to develop their logo and brand. They wanted to refresh their logo and modernise their brand to better reflect their audience and customers. They wanted a brand that felt more vibrant while at the same time natural and structured.

The new logo has both a constructed and natural feel to it. Clean, and simple it offers flexibility and transfers easily across a range of physical and online materials. It was important that the brand was professional and approachable.

Having refreshed their brand we designed and built their website. Key to the website was finding the best way to display images of their work. Instead of using stock images we captured images of their projects giving it a personal feel that better reflected the type of work they did and wanted to attract.

We kept the design clean and simple focusing on creating easy navigation cues throughout the website.

Content was also a very important part of the website. We worked on the content collaboratively with Mill Architects to create educational and informative content that added value to the visitors experience. We also worked on creating visible, intuitive call to actions that made it easy for web visitors to take the next step in their buying journey.

Digital marketing campaign

We currently run a PPC and Facebook remarketing campaign for Mill Architects promoting their architectural services to homeowners. One of the key features of the campaign is that potential customers can book a complimentary call with one of the team where in that 15 minutes they can discuss their project and get a ballpark estimate of what that type of project typically costs.

This makes getting a rough estimate of how much their project may cost simple and easy to do which allows them to make a decision if they want to take the next step. It also gives Mill Architects the chance to determine if this is an appropriate project for them while offering advice and insights.

Another key part of that campaign is the e-brochure we created for them. Not a brochure of their services but a guide for homeowners to the 7 reasons why and how an architect will save you money and a guide to <what is the guide?> These guides offer a softer call to action than book your complimentary 15 minute call. They also help to educate and inform potential customers which creates trust and rapport. We capture a list of all those people who have downloaded the guide and continue to keep in touch with them via social media and email marketing. They are a second list of potential warm customers.

Average Monthly Marketing Spend£2,200
Campaigns RunGoogle Ads, Facebook Advertising, Email Marketing
Average Monthly Impressions16,000
Average Monthly Clicks440
Average Monthly Enquiries5
Average Sales Conversion rate50%
Average Sales Value£10,000
Average Revenue per month£25,000
Average Monthly ROI1150%

Social media and email marketing

Complimenting our digital marketing campaign we also deliver social media and email marketing for Mill Architects.

Part of our strategy is to position them as thought leaders in their industry and area. Offering advice, project updates, future trends and much more it helps them to educate and keep in touch with their audience, increase their online presence and it generates enquiries.

Sales enablement & HubSpot

On the challenges that quickly arose following the success of their digital advertising campaign was how to effectively manage those enquiries. One of the blockers was that the enquiries were all sent to one of the directors who very quickly simply could not manage all of them and the work involved. What was frustrating was that we had significant capacity to grow the campaign and drive more sales but they didn’t have the internal processes within the business to allow us to do that.

In order to address this challenge we implemented HubSpot, a database/ Customer Relationship Management system with a powerful sales and marketing suite. Firstly we were able to capture all of their contacts and organise them. This allowed us to launch and tailor their email marketing. It also enabled us to set up an online booking system where potential customers could book a 15-minute call online easily and quickly which meant we captured more enquiries turning them into sales leads.

The other benefit of the 15-minute call is that it allowed them to qualify those enquiries and determine if they were the type of projects that were suited to their business and if it was worth the potential customer and their time pursuing further. This saved the business and specifically the directors a huge amount of time following up with leads and doing site visits on projects that turned out not to be suitable or the customer did not want to pursue.

HubSpot also records who in their contacts visit their website, engages with their content and social media. This highlights who in our database and which potential customers are very engaged and interested in our services. Finally, HubSpot allows us to create a visual and report on Mill Architects sales pipeline so we can identify any gaps in the pipeline and where the sales and marketing efforts need to be focused.

Another significant piece of work we did with Mill Architects was thorough our sales enablement service. With the challenge of how to more effectively manage and follow up with enquiries and therefore grow their digital advertising campaign, we had to review their entire sales process. We started by mapping out their current sales process and then together we worked out where the weak areas were and what our ideal sales process would look like. We then revisited each stage of the sales process and the roles involved and re-allocated those roles to other members in the team.

The result was that the sales process and managing new enquiries was a shared responsibility in the team. This removed the time pressure from the directors freeing them to concentrate on the business and the appropriate sales enquiries. It has also meant that we could grow their digital advertising campaign, drive more enquiries and leads and ultimately increase their sales.

Ready to grow
your business?

We don’t want to waste your time, so we have developed a unique call, so we can understand your business and whether we can help.

It only takes 15 minutes but is structured in such a way that by the end of that call, we will be able to advise you on whether we can help. It also gives you a chance to see if you want to work with us.

We believe in partnerships, where both partners are achieving what they need, so we all need to be happy with the relationship.

Book your 15-minute exploration call to find out how we can drive more traffic to your website, generate more leads, and convert more customers. Simply email to arrange your call.

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